Are you open?
Yes, dentistry is classed as an essential service and we are open. There are no restrictions on dental care. All procedures are able to be performed. We will, however, continue to screen all patients which means that if in the last 14 days you have had any cold or flu like symptoms, travelled or been in contact with a person with coronavirus, your dental treatment will be delayed. This is to ensure the health and safety of all staff and patients.
Can I come in for my check up and clean?
Yes you can.
Is it safe to visit the dentist?
Yes, it is safe to visit our clinic. Our team is highly skilled in infection control and on top of our already stringent procedures we have introduced the following:
Sanitising the waiting room, bathroom and all high touch surfaces every hour
We ask all patients to sanitise their hands on arrival.
If you prefer to wait in your vehicle just call us when you arrive and we will bring you straight through to your appointment when you are ready.
If you meet one of the following criteria we are rescheduling your appointment; If you or someone in your household has travelled overseas in the last 14 days, if in the last 14 days you have had a runny nose, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath or have a cough, if someone in your household is unwell, if you have had close or casual contact with someone with coronavirus in the last 14 days.
Our team members have been instructed to stay home if they or someone in their household has travelled in the last 14 days, is unwell or has had close or casual contact with someone with coronavirus in the last 14 days
We are implementing social distancing within our team and our premises and ask kindly that you either attend alone or where you need someone to come with you keep this to a minimum.
We have removed all magazines and toys.
We ask all patients to complete a pre-procedural mouth rinse.
I'm immunocompromised. Is it safe to visit the dentist?
We recommend that you discuss this with your GP. They will be able to give you the best advice for your particular situation.
I'm over 70. Is it safe to visit the dentist?
If you are otherwise fit and healthy it is safe to visit the dentist. If you have chronic health conditions or an unwell we recommend that you discuss this with your GP. They will be able to give you the best advice for your particular situation.
I live in Victoria. Am I allowed to leave my home and cross the border for dental treatment?
Yes, a dental appointment is medical care which is one of the reasons you are allowed to leave your home and qualifies you for an exemption at the border. You do not need a permit or a special exemption to travel into SA. Please keep your appointment confirmation text message handy as proof when you are crossing the border. If you have any queries or concerns about this please call us and we can advise you. It is important that you are still able to access urgent dental care with us as we want to avoid you ending up in hospital at this high pressure time for our health care system.
Can I book online?
Yes online booking is available again.
What should I do if I’m in pain?
Please call us and we can provide advise and treatment. Our phone is manned 7 days a week.
If you have a dental emergency we are here to help. Call us on 0887521313 if you have any concerns.