Custom Sports Mouthguards
Every year thousands of Australian adults and children suffer dental injuries which could have been prevented by wearing a custom mouthguard.
Who Needs a Mouthguard?
Anyone who plays a sport where collision or contact to the face is a risk should wear a mouthguard both on game day and during training e.g. football, hockey and basketball. A sporting injury to the teeth can result in fractured or lost teeth leading to a lifetime of dental treatment.
FREE Mouthguards for Kids from Keith and Tintinara
Through our partnership with SA Dental we are providing mouthguards to all children eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS) who have postcodes 5267 or 5266. These mouthguards are funded by the SA government and will not count toward the monetary limit for each child under the CDBS. Your child must play a sport to be eligible and each child will be eligible for 1 free mouthguard per year.
The Advantages of a Custom Mouthguard
They are very comfortable and allow you to breath and speak easily. An off the shelf boil and bite style mouthguard is usually ill-fitted and provides insufficient protection.
What to Expect
We take a simple 3D scan of the teeth which is fast and comfortable. From this we print a 3D model and design a uniquely fitted mouthguard in a colour of your choice. A custom-fitted mouthguard will last many years and can even be made to go over braces.
Making a mouthguard
We use heat and pressure to create out mouthguards. All come labelled with your name and mobile number and include a labelled case for safe storage.
We can special order any colour combination. These are the colours we keep in stock: